Wednesday, August 14, 2013

I'm Back At It

"Nothing stinks like a pile of unpublished writing." ~ Sylvia Plath

I write every day and yet, I still miss it.

Writing as part of my job is very different than writing for fun.  I love to write for fun and yet, I don't do it as often as I should. I have great ideas floating around my mind, but I can't seem to get them down on paper. When will I be motivated to finally write my novel?

I know that I am a good writer and that my skills are only improving.  I was reminded of this fact as I spoke my maid-of-honor speech at my sister's wedding this past weekend.  It only took me an hour to write and received a number of laughs throughout, and many tears at the end.  The feedback afterward was astounding and it convinced me that I need to get back to what makes me happy and feel carefree -- writing.

There is a lot that I have to say stored in my head and is anxious to get out.  My keyboard is about to get a rude awakening!