Friday, August 14, 2009

Time to start working!

My insomnia kicked in last night. Usually this causes nothing but tossing, turning, and a few punches to the pillow as I try to drift off to sleep, but this latest bout was different--exciting in fact! I was wide awake thinking of ideas for a novel and I'm almost positive I have come up with a storyline! Of course the idea started with a real-life experience of my own, (which are the easiest to come by) but then it evolved into a literary romance (which is complete fiction since my current love life is non-existent). I have high hopes that this will be a stellar beach read for twenty-something-year-old women.

So I have a basic plot. All that is left to do is come up with names, minor details, and start writing! Oh yeah and then go through the process of getting an agent and actually publishing this thing. Hopefully all will go well! Now, it's time to get down to business...